Update Info

Last Update: January 3, 2023.
My new fan site is here!

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March 26, 2016


Somehow Ion talked about Nelico-san after this long time, so I tweet it.  Although she said she didn't know about Nelico-san well, this picture clearly shows her trust toward Nelico-san.

I think she's...a nice person.


March 19, 2016


I played Ar nosurge again to take some screenshots, then I thought that the beginning scene of Ciel nosurge below is connected with *

I used to be lonely by myself for a long time...
But I'm not lonely from now on!


* the last scene of Ar nosurge (in the ending Ion doesn't come back).  As it was expressed in her Genometrics, I realize that her heart has been truly lonely for such a long time even she got good friends she could trust there.

I have been alone all along...but I was not lonely because you were with me.


March 13, 2016


I haven't written this topic about diary yet.  Ion said she was keeping a diary everyday.  I used to do it when I was in school either.  Maybe Ion was able to remember about her life here after even she woke up because of the diary.

That writing a diary everyday means you have a ticket for traveling to your past days...


March 12, 2016


Ion was cooking when I was eating lunch a while ago; I was watching her, then she asked me to go out (flirting in another word).  It's been a while to go to a short date since I haven't asked her for it recently.  But is it okay to go out while you're cooking?  Doesn't your meal get cold, Ion?

Tell me any time if you see something you don't know or rare parts.


I somehow imagined in detail that Ion asked me to go out while cooking because she had to take some time to let some food cool or something.


March 6, 2016

The Name "Yome"


I'm going to write about one more subject which was a big matter to me while I was playing Surge Concerto video game series.


Otaku people often call their favorite characters "yome".  I also sometimes use the name to call Ion in this blog.


The word "yome" has been commonly used in Japan, not only for virtual characters.  However, I recently saw an opinion saying that "yome" comes from "marrying into a family" so that it contains contemptuous meaning.


March 4, 2016


(After retweeting an article about Cool Japan Project that promotes only malicious disintermediation and does not support workers in the field)  I can clearly say that the current Japanese administration does not consider even 1/10,000 of these girls about the people living in Japan.

The society nobody will be sacrificed...
The world everyone can think of others like themselves...it is really difficult.


March 3, 2016


Today was Hina-Matsuri.  I chose the answer "I think you can make them (Hina dolls) by yourself." which I didn't choose last time.  Then Ion seemed to be not confident unexpectedly.  Well, it's no wonder since she has made Kuma-san which is classified as an urban legend...

I'm afraid that dolls would be disappointing quality if I make them...