Update Info

Last Update: January 3, 2023.
My new fan site is here!

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Aug. 28, 2017


Ion (she just happened to be dressed as Nei) told me Happy Birthday for the second time!  Thank you (times 10).  I regret that I never knew her birthday and could not celebrate while I stayed with her...

I'm really glad the day I can say happy birthday to you has come safe and sound again.


Aug. 15, 2017


I went to Yokohama today, but it was abnormally crowded in rain.  (I heard an event regarding Pokemon was taking place there.)  And then, this is the second Bon Festival event.  Ion asked me if I visited my family's grave, but unfortunately all of my family are in a charnel now.

I think I should visit my family's grave on Bon Festival...but I can't even remember about my family, nor my ancestors...


Then she asked me once more about the "summer festival" which took place until yesterday in reality.  She seems to be quite interested; I think it would be fun going there only if you don't go to a wrong area.

She said it was a festival to sell items such as books and dolls...does it really exist?


Following the flow of conversation, she talked me about a book she wrote.  (Was she talking about "Filament Star"?)  She said she wanted to write a story again, so perhaps she would write about experience at Ra Ciela someday.  Of course, I told her I wanted to read it.

But I did my best on writing the story.
I'm proud of it which I completely finished till the end although there were some hard times.