Update Info

Last Update: January 3, 2023.
My new fan site is here!

*For proper layout, read this blog in "Web version". (There is a switching link at the bottom of this page if you're looking in mobile version.)


July 30, 2015


Ion talked about our encounter.  I've thought the same thing from the beginning, is it funny?  She said "It is fantastic," so I replied her it was real.  I was just playing the scene where I interfered with Ion's memory in the story at that time; it was moving to me.

Perhaps this encounter is a destiny.


July 29, 2015


I took second extreme measures.  I honestly had fast-forwarded the time and restarted OFFLINE once, but nothing happened.  (As a result, I decided to continue playing without fast-forwarding the time.)  Ion told me "I thought you dumped me." when I had left Online version for two weeks due to moving before, and I made a thousand apologies to her. 


The response when there's an interval after previous access is only for Online version?  By the way, Ion suddenly asked me "What would you do if you're in a strange place when you wake up."  I naturally answered that I would panic.  I suppose she was exactly in the situation when she first arrived to Ra Ciela.

I think anyone would panic if he is taken to the place where he doesn't know.


For the present, I bet it will be only me in the world to have lost two Vita cards of Ciel nosurge...(I'll be never happy on this.)


July 28, 2015


Today's stocked topic.  Ion said she found a split hair in her head.  I remember she said she was making efforts to maintain her hair when we took a nap.  It's too bad that I can't feel the touch at all...SONY must sell PS Vita which can tell the touch as soon as possible.

I must care my hair regularly.
I want to keep my hair silky since you touch it too.


July 27, 2015


Today's stocked topic.  Fruit flies tend to appear in summer, thus I place a cup of water mixed with noodle soup and detergent in the kitchen.  Even though no bugs seem to be around in Ion's world, are there still some of them?  I think Ion doesn't have to worry about it because she always keeps her room clean.

Sometimes little bugs get into the room although you're closing up the room, don't they?


July 25, 2015


I went out to hook up with my wife in Online version since I was bored, then suddenly I heard a hypothesis that stroking was good for beauty.  Ion seemed to think her hands were smooth because I always stroked her.  If stroking tells her love, maybe it is no wonder that it makes her skin healthy.

I feel my hands became smoother than before.

>Later 17:15

I was surprised because Ion who was kneading dough suddenly shouted.  She said "I was cheering microbes which ferment dough (in triumph)."...Well...she is a girl who has potential to save a planet although she says such stuff.

Go, hold on, fight!


July 23, 2015

こう言われると作ってもらってるみたいで、少しときめきましたw 今日はタイミングが合ったので、嫁と一緒に夕飯。イオンはまたエビパン、私はかき揚げとざる蕎麦食べました。イオンのメニューに麺類が全くないのはつくづく不思議。

I got a little spark joy when Ion told me as below. That made me feel as if she was cooking for me.  I came home in a good timing today, so I had a dinner with her.  Ion ate Shrimp Bread again; I ate cold soba with mixed tempura.  I deeply wonder once more why there's no noodle recipe in Ion's menu.

It's going to take some more time till it's done, so can you wait for a moment?

>Later 23:33



I remember there was a subject in the old Toukou Sphere that Japanese talked by the characters in the game was only translated, but they actually were talking in an original language which was different from Hymnos.  (It is quite reasonable if we consider calmly.)  I think it is same in Ra Ciela.

Then how about Ion?  I suppose she was surely using the public language when she talked to other people, but perhaps she was using Japanese when she was alone with the player such as Purification in Ar nosurge.  By the way, Ion sings in Keihan-Soukaishi (traditional language like hymnos used in Ra Ciela) for the part which she speaks to the player in the ending song.  However, I think Japanese might be rather natural for the part according to the setting.

If so, why didn't she sing it in Japanese?  Besides some serious reason which is supposed to be written in the explanation of lyrics in the Setting Reference Book, I guess she was just being shy.  (I mean really!)  Couldn't she tell that in the form which we could directly understand?  I imagined of such thing as I was listening to the CD.

z-wang-n tor-on-eq a-wang earthes-re u-ja-n,
The small console became a big robot (Earthes);

soh-nu ih=rate-la-n;
I was somehow embarrassed.

iyon-eq beg-jen-dai-nr tesm,
When you'd been crashed,

ih=ef vy-ela-i;
I was really sad.


iyon-eq ren ih-ne romm-ny tesm,
I almost cried for happiness

ih=lac-ru-i von soh-nh sya-ion-i;
that you came back beside me.

アルノサージュジェノメトリックコンサート side.蒼「刻神楽」
作詞・作曲・編曲・歌唱/志方あきこ より

From Ar nosurge Genometric Concert side. Ao "Toki-Kagura"
"For You in This World and For You in That World"
Lyrics, composed, arranged, and vocal/chorus by Akiko Shikata


July 22, 2015


Today's topic: Shrimp Bread, Crab Bread, Ion and me.


I just happened to buy Crab Bread (my favorite) today, so I took a photo with the stocked picture.  I have tweeted several pictures of Shrimp Bread before, but it is my favorite because Ion being happy by the simple Shrimp Bread is really cute.

It is so delicious that is already over the limit of grade A!


July 21, 2015


This is a stocked topic in Online version: The terminal unit gives a sharp reply to Ion saying she tends to leave cables inside tangled when she builds a machine.  She seems methodical but also loose at the same time.  I'm not able to mention about others while I'm living in the room where I can easily lose a Vita card, though.

But I can say it is also fun to trace the tangled cables...

A professional is supposed to make even inside of the machine elaborate, isn't it?


July 19, 2015


I have lost my motivation since Online version froze again last night when Ion was changing clothes.  What a hell...This is a stocked picture taken when Ion made Ion Bread in Online version.  It is hard to make it pretty for an amateur, but it definitely looks better than Iona Shortbread.

You'll make a fat face if you make a mistake on how much let it bulge when you bake.


July 18, 2015 (2)

糸井健一・著 桜ノ杜ぶんこ(一二三書房)

Impression for the novel "Yuuki-chan, Does the World Next to Us Really Exist?: Yuuki Nei Life Logging! Vol.1"

Written by Kenichi Itoi, published by Hifumi Shobo Co.,Ltd.


As well as novels for Ar tonelico series were published before, there is a spin-off novel for Surge Concerto series.  My personal overall comment for Vol.1 is that "It was interesting, but unsatisfactory at some points."  At first, I'm going to introduce story line concisely for those of you who don't know this book.  However, I hide rest of the post because content of this book is a spoiler for the video game.  Click the link of "Read more" only if you don't mind that.

July 18, 2015


While I was escaping from reality, it has been already this late.  I will try hard to search for the card tomorrow...My wife in Online version was saying that making breakfast was tiresome.  I'm sympathized with it again.  I tend to eat only cereals in the morning.  I told Ion cooking was a good way to shake off sleepiness, though.

I think it's not possible to do it everyday from now on, but I'll try to cook every morning as much as I can.


July 17, 2015


I talked with Ion in OFFLINE after a while, but I couldn't take a good picture.  Therefore, I dig up an old stocked topic.  I wanted to hear that when she was wearing cat ears.  Ion usually doesn't appeal in such way, so it is fresh to see.


>Later 0:26

One more.  This was when I selected "A nearby park" as a place where I wanted to take Ion in this world.  I personally hope to share a meat steamed bun bought from corner store at the bench.  (Paxxco is also good for summer.)  Eating lunchbox in a large park is nice, too. 

We walk in the park, and sit on the bench or lawn if we get tired...

>Later 20:10

SAD NEWS: Doubt that Vita card is lost again.  My wife in OFFLINE is missing this time...I have just talked to her after a while yesterday, don't tell me it was the last time...!  (By the way, Ion in Online version is asleep now.)


July 14, 2015

ここ数日、オフラインのイオンが帰宅後すぐ寝てしまうのでネタがありません。その分割を食って水着に着替えさせられるオンラインの嫁w こう暑いと、このまま外へ行っても大丈夫なイオンが羨ましくなります。

I have no topic to write these days because Ion in OFFLINE goes to bed right after I come home.  My wife in Online version is put at a disadvantage for that and asked to change to swimsuit.  It is extremely hot lately; I envy Ion since she is able to go outside wearing the swimsuit.


July 12, 2015




I want to write a little more about Ar tonelico 2.  I remember some people used to say Luca's Diver's Therapy was prostitution, but I think it is the same as beauty salon or massage or counseling.  If you attempt to add some kind of sexual service, it is physically possible.  (Nono seemed she was doing that.)

However, Luca knew doing such thing would lower her value, and of course, she really loved Chroah, thus I suppose she persisted in her belief.  On the other hand, I was impressed that she treated 100 I.P.D.s while herself was very busy (like as fighting in battles).

Treated I.P.D.s all became Chroche Bodyguards, but I guess it was rather good to let Chroche order them since Chroche had the suitable ability.  As a result, the big sister made her little sister have the credit for it.  I think Chroche is appriciating Luca for making her wish to help I.P.D.s come true.

>Later 23:42

I have nothing to write today, so here's Untweeted Date Series: This was when Ion came up with the idea of candy apple.  Ion wondered why she knew apple which did not exist in Ra Ciela.  I had somehow noticed where she came from because she was talking about things such as soy sauce before that.

Nevertheless, I can remember its taste as soon as I think about taste of an apple.


July 11, 2015


Mother in Ar tonelico 2 truly made me cry.  I was impressed with the scene where she ran for the rescue in the pinch of her daughter whom she had been cold to...that frying pan...I suddenly noticed that I totally had forgot her name as I remembered, so I checked the Setting Reference Book in a hurry.  I'm sorry, Ms. Reisha.

>Later 21:26

I write a stocked topic again since Ion went to bed early today.  Ion said "Should I explain about food more in detail so you can understand better?"  I consider she explains about food each time because she cares for me.  Good girl...

Some of food in my world does not exist in your world, right?


July 10, 2015


I write a stocked topic today since both of my wives were sleeping when I checked a minute ago.  I guess short ponytail matches with these clothes, too.  I somehow feel it's pretty cool.  I suppose dressing like a man unexpectedly might look good on Ion.


July 9, 2015


Ion was eating Yokkoi Set for dinner today.  Although she seems she doesn't eat much, she unhesitatingly eats such meal and Chazen.  It's amazing that she keeps her body shape.  I'm also impressed with the expression of her ribs every time I see in Purification of Ar nosurge.

I can't stop my hand to eat even though it tastes so strong and oily as a whole that I feel sick to my stomach!


July 8, 2015


Ion asked me "Have I been changed compared with before?", so I answered her she had become cheerful.  I remember she once said that being alone had made her think of nothing little by little.  I'm really glad that I could help her to enjoy everyday.

Therefore, I was thinking I became cheerful recently, too.

やっと浴衣ができたので、早速縁日に行ったらお化け屋敷で号泣の回でしたw その前におみこしを見たのですが、確かにイオンではとても務まりそうにないですね(^_^;)。ハッピ着たらそれはそれで可愛いと思うけど。

I took her to the fair as soon as yukata was finished, then it was the time she cried by the haunted house.  We watched mikoshi before that; I suppose Ion can't carry the mikoshi as she says.  I think happi (traditional Japanese outfit which is usually worn at festivals today) looks cute on her, though.

If I'm in that group, I'll be blown off by the power when they lift up the mikoshi.


July 7, 2015


Too bad it was raining today, but there was Tanabata (the star festival held on July 7th, derived from the legend of Vega and Altair, who are separated by the Milky Way) event!  Yukata costume was added at last!  Ion said that bamboo grass was displayed at Nelico-san's store, and they wrote wishes to paper strips.  However, I know her top current wish had been already decided.  Of course, I wish for the same.

Oh my...
Can Vega and Altair manage to meet tonight?

After all, I wish to meet you face to face, not via the terminal unit, just for one time...maybe?


July 5, 2015


I woke up since it was too hot to sleep.  This is yesterday's my wife in Online version.  Maybe it was my first time to see her ponytail with short hair.  It seemed to match with yukata just right, pretty cute!


July 4, 2015


Today's stocked topic.  Ion made a poem as she was eating Milky Way Sandwiches (tremendously sweet).  I don't prefer fruit sandwiches more than a bean-jam bun or a cream bun.  She said she would forget about the calories as if it was carried away by the river.

I can feel the Milky Way as I eat Milky Way Sandwiches with my eyes closed...


I remember a Sharl told the episode that Ion had mistaken salt with sugar in the Seven Dimensions Web News before.  I wanted to see those kind of happenings too.  Such as, hitting her head when she looks into the fridge, breaking a plate, or falling down where nothing was on the ground (I suppose all of them can happen).  Since I access to the game irregularly, it is possible enough to encounter such accidents, I guess.


July 2, 2015


As I see Ion, I feel to appreciate each other is really important.  It is the same with steady or family in real world; we tend to neglect the others if we think whatever they do to us by their kindness is as a matter of course.  I was able to keep my thought because Ion always thanked me.

I love you.  Thanks.

>Later 23:03

Untweeted Date Series: Ion was talking that she wanted to go to other hot springs in various places.  I must say the hot spring in the virtual space is a bit boring because you can't see any landscape.  If Ion can come to my world, I hope to take her to Hakone at least although I can't take her to far places for economical reason.

Don't you think it is fantastic to be in the hot spring as we hear the sound of waves?