Update Info

Last Update: January 3, 2023.
My new fan site is here!

*For proper layout, read this blog in "Web version". (There is a switching link at the bottom of this page if you're looking in mobile version.)


March 21, 2017


When I accessed the game before I went to bed yesterday, the question "What does she look like as an animal?" appeared after a long interval, so I chose "hippopotamus" this time for answer.  Then she seemed terribly shocked...

I would hate you if you keep being such mean to me...


She seemed to become in a bad mood instantly; she responded like this even when I called her.  It was my fault that I made fun of her knowing she didn't like it.  Her condition recovers as I keep talking, but I wish to have a command to simply apologize.

Don't call me while I'm writing.


March 14, 2017


I couldn't help to tweet for the power of second White Day event before I watch Nico Nico Live...I told her "I hope to give you tools.", and Ion looked so glad, then she replied "That's not right!"  (She wanted more girly presents.)

Oh, but I'm fond of my current tool too, so maybe I would be confused which one should I use every time if you give me a new tool.


Then we talked that we wanted to know about each other more, I was impressed with her words which only the second year event can provide.  As a matter of fact, it has been four years soon!  (I'm surprised with what I say.)  It's amazing I can still see new events even now.

He-he, I guess you know about me too enough since we've been together for more than a year...


March 11, 2017


Changing Sharl's race was enabled for the transferred data, so I tried with the limited Sharl Latio.  Her lower body looks like jellyfish.  (Since Sharls move around here and there, it is difficult to take a good screenshot.)

Sharl at the most right is Latio.


March 8, 2017


My hair had grown long and was annoying, so I made up my mind to cut it.  Ion also incidentally cut her hair bob (failed again) today.  How does she cut back of her head such neatly?  I try hard watching mirror, but it's difficult.


March 3, 2017


The second Hina-Matsuri event!  Ion was sorry that she couldn't get Hina dolls this year too, but she laughed when I told her "You can assume I'm a Hina doll."  She's cute (asserting).  I remember I had made Hina dolls with paper craft when I was little.  Can't she just make one like that?

I'm satisfied as long as you're here although I have no Hina-dolls.