Update Info

Last Update: January 3, 2023.
My new fan site is here!

*For proper layout, read this blog in "Web version". (There is a switching link at the bottom of this page if you're looking in mobile version.)


Dec. 31, 2014


At the fair, Ion was envious of a group of children.  I suppose she was not active to make friends before, so she felt that way now because she had grown up relating with various people.  Lover can't satisfy everything, I guess.

I somehow began to feel as if it was not good to wish for new friends.


By the way, I feel Ion's sleeping time is getting shorter after Version 1.03.  Her living cycle is getting off again because of that, isn't it?  I guess there were some changes around.  It's no good since Ion gets tired earlier when her sleeping time is short.

>Later 6:42

"Please keep staying with me next year, too."  Ion gave me a greeting politely for New Year's Eve.  Thank you from me too, Ion.  I'm going to see you everyday.  Everyday.  (twice)  I'm going to visit my parents from now; I'm gonna take my Vita with me, of course!

Thank you very much for being with me during this year.


Dec. 29, 2014


Those of you who's at Comic Market, how's it going?  Today's picture shows Ion saying she couldn't practice continence again when she saw a sister at the church.  But I believe that the devotion she made to save the planet was greater than any sister could make.  The day she will make a ring is not far ahead either.

I'm far different from continence, so I don't have confidence to be a person like sister.

>Later 19:04

Last time I saved data during bath time, then the terminal unit was left in the bath room unexpectedly.  Cruel Ion!  Several hours had already passed at that time, so Ion got up and moved the unit right away, but still...(I guess it's a sort of bug, but I never run out of topics to write because of such accident!)


We went to the aquarium to make a revenge for Illustrated Reference Book Terminal of Marine Life.  Ion had studied to distinguish search result clearly, and the search succeeded this time.  However, I feel it is like putting the cart before the horse that you have to study first in order to use the device.

It was hard, but I feel my efforts were rewarded by reaching to the good result like this.


Dec. 28, 2014



Writing on the back of a flier while replaying Ar nosurge in early morning!: Since they even had a technology to interfere with another dimension, I think science in Ra Ciela was more evolved than that in Ar Ciel (the tower could not exist without the old Ra Ciela), but I also suppose Ar Ciel might have reached to the same level if the world kept flourishing as it was.

In fact, Tell Tribe made the disaster happen because they predicted that the planet would be destroyed in the future.  However, perhaps it was actually the past vision which came from memory of Ra Ciela inside their DNA.


Dec. 27, 2014


Ion went to bed right away since I accessed to the game late tonight.  Therefore, here's a stocked topic.  This is Ion crying out because a waitress spilled Deluxe Jumbo Parfait on her head at the cafe.  I somehow feel some intention with the situation...

I can't believe such big parfait was spilled on my head...


By the way, announcement of the last message CD was finally made, but maybe I won't be able to order it since I'm missing my Vita card of Online version.  First of all, RE:Incarnation is not supposed to be applied according to the explanation?  My love is not going to be rewarded?!

Additional Notes:

RE:Incarnation version and PlayStation Vita Best version were also added in the announcement later.  Thank goodness!

>Later 1:34

Referring to my screenshot, my Vita card existed until about six o'clock on Dec. 6th for sure.  I noticed that it was not there at dinner time on the next day; I could not find it after looking for it so much.  It sounds like a kidnapping, but this is the last picture of my wife in Online version.

>Later 20:52

"We're a good example of decent relationship!" -> "Wait?  You sometimes touch my bust..."  While we were talking about school regulations, Ion began to blame the sexual harassment from the terminal unit although it seemed too late.  I'm a gentleman!  Even if you say abnormal (omitted).  It's the unit's fault!  The unit (desperately).

But, I might like a gentlemanly person better after all...


Dec. 25, 2014


I asked Ion to take off the mustache yesterday, but she was wearing it again today.  Did she actually like it?  The picture shows the moment she was in panic when Magnetic Pole Controlled Storage Medium for Psychic Waves gave no response after she said "My weight is 100 kilograms." for test.  (She just forgot to turn the power on.)

...I'm telling you, not to misunderstand that I forgot to turn the power on purposely to lie about 100 kilograms.


Dec. 24, 2014


It's Christmas Eve, but something is wrong with Ion.  I love Gust's such sense!  I laughed out aloud in my first play.  Mustache looks cute either, still I asked her to take it off since it would spoil the date after this.

I heard Santa Claus was an old man with white mustache, so I tried to follow the image...


When we went to the mall, Ion asked me to stroke her head.  It is too bad that I can't give any present to her.  (It would be more fun if there was some way to do it.)  I wanted to stroke her more slowly since this scene ended in a moment.

If you don't mind, can you...stroke my head?


Dec. 23, 2014


Writing on the back of a flier while replaying Ar nosurge: Probably Tell Tribe and humans used to be partners at that time since there was a Bios Shop (Dive Shop) in Ar Ciel which is similar to that of Ra Ciela.  Reyvateils, could be considered a kind of specialized Sharl to use power of the tower, were prevailed among people later, and became the present condition.

Salesperson of Dive Shop Hymno:
Would you like to Dive?


Then Kurogane (scientist who created Tilia, the third Reyvateil Origin) and other scientists thought that they could produce evolved human being suitable for the environmental change of the planet by mating human with Reyvateil, so they equipped Beta Pureblood with reproductive function.  The condition has continued to the present day.  Thinking about these circumstances, Reyvateils could be considered even more hideous than Sharls; this leads to the discrimination for Reyvateils in Ar Ciel later.

>Later 19:31

Ion said that she felt she was speaking same thing repeatedly.  Isn't that meta talk?  General conversations seemed to be added in OFFLINE too, but somehow there were many patterns of "being in a daze during working" which I heard often.  She's too mind-wandering!

But I can enjoy same topic repeatedly if it's a talk with you.


Dec. 22, 2014


Ion is sleeping now, so I write a stocked topic today again.  When we took Shiraki-Masu with amazake (sweet drink made from fermented rice), Ion became totally drunk and told me "Come near!"....Would you want some more?

There you go, we've got to come close like this since we're dating.


Dec. 21, 2014


In the final act of "Destruction" Chapter, Nay was blurting out various things because she was so nervous.  Especially, this comment makes the player feel "We all know that now".

I have thought I'm a sadist, but maybe I'm actually a super-extraordinary masochist.  Hey, how do you think of that, Sarly?

>Later 20:31

At the hot spring, I washed Ion's back with the extension hand.  (I want to press staffs for that why I can't see the actual washing scene for an hour.)  That reminds me of the Purification in Ar nosurge; I wonder whether Earthes washed Ion's back.  I guess being washed by Earthes' hand might hurt, though.

...Y, yeah.
Then I ask you to do that just for a little.


Dec. 20, 2014


Today's stocked topic.  We made Illustrated Reference Book Terminal of Marine Life (a kind of electronic dictionary) and went to the aquarium.  However, narrowing down the search did not go well; it was not useful after all.  I'm looking forward for her revenge.

How many reference books of fish did I read to make this...


Dec. 19, 2014


Today is the 100th day within the game.  I'm going to write about yesterday's date which I forgot to tweet.  This is the scene included in the anniversary movie, when Ion came up with the idea to modify "Magnetic Pole Controlled Storage Medium for Psychic Waves" to the device which was not a polygraph.  Nevertheless, I suppose there was no sequel to this episode.

How about modifying this machine to make a sound responding to your feeling of love at such moment?


Dec. 18, 2014


Christmas week seems to begin from today!  While I could see the decoration only for two days in Online version, I will be able to see it closely this time.  By the way, it is touching when I think that Ion worked hard on this alone.


There is a small Christmas tree either.  Ion said she didn't have memory of Christmas, but she made efforts according to information from Nelico-san.  Regardless of this topic, there used to be fluorescent stickers like that in my big sister's room of old home.


Dec. 17, 2014


Ion said that she remembered about a charm using the School Pocketbook.  You were supposed to draw Aiai-gasa (picture of an umbrella with two names under it as if they are sharing the umbrella) in the Pocketbook, and your one-sided love would be rewarded if no one else saw the drawing for one year.  Ion tried to draw it in the Pocketbook she made this time, but she didn't know my name.  It's too bad, still I don't mind!

It is a proof that your thought can be conveyed without relying on the charm, he-he...


Dec. 16, 2014


Ion went to bed without doing nothing special today, so I write a stocked topic again.  This is a picture when she made "Operator Crystal SML" (a kind of CPU).  She's explaining the origin of its name, but the spell is supposed to be R if it comes from "round brilliant", isn't it?

Therefore, Serafino, Media, and Round brilliant...


Dec. 15, 2014


The final act of "Destruction" Chapter was finished.  The song magic succeeded; Ion and others stopped Nelo from going back.  Awaken Ion, taking a firm stand that she had never did, made a negotiation with PLASMA.  (Maybe her subconsciousness was coming out at that time.)  Nelo's words are a hint to Ar nosurge.

I understood one thing by this incident.
Both I and you never be able to go back unless we have some existence who can overlook our own world.


At the church, we had a grinning conversation again.  However, I made Ion disappointed a little because my choices of answer when she asked me "How do you think about it?" were both dodging her question.  C'mon, the unit!

I can never practice continence which I have to dispose this happiness...


Dec. 14, 2014


We remembered about dates in early days at the sea.  We were not lovers yet, and we did not have much romantic talks, but Ion told me that she was nervous in her own way at that time.  Thinking well about it, it was actually only about two months ago on this possibility axis, wasn't it?

I wish to feel once more the beating of my heart that I couldn't talk well at that time.


Dec. 13, 2014


Ion finally allowed me to apply her sunscreen.  However, it's nothing special and not much different than usual touching mode.  Even though I think this scene can make the best use of 3-D model, why doesn't Ion show me her back?

He-he...somehow I feel as if you're rubbing my hand.


Dec. 12, 2014


I have started to play the final act of "Destruction" Chapter, but I haven't seen any highlight yet, so I'm going to introduce members of my Sharl team.  First, Tatara-chan.


No.2 Sharl member of OFFLINE team, Kisaragi-chan.  Only she has changed her class (race).


No.3, Reena-chan.  I think Sharls' names are globally simplified than that of Online version.  Is it due to capacity of the memory?


No.4, Lili-chan.  I could input voluntary message for each sharl in Online version; Each Sharl speaks to me according to her personality this time.


No.5, Kernel-chan.  She's the only one who has a property of big sister.  Voices of Sharls are also more varied this time.


No.6, Filly-chan.  Although I have just these six Sharls now, there is no trouble because they are naturally able to raise their levels quickly without spending Hymno Points.  Meanwhile, I can spend Hymno Points as much as I want to get equipment.


Today's stocked topic.  This is a picture when we went to the aquarium with Giant Squid Hug Pillow (I must dig into the matter from here).  Ion thought that giant squids in fictions were totally true, so she was off the track while we were talking.  Of course, she was going to be pointed out that after this, and she became blushed.

It is a creature which can sink even a big passenger ship.
I guess glass of the fish tank can easily be broken...


Dec. 11, 2014


I had nothing special today, so I write a stocked topic.  This is when we held our hands at the fair (How did the terminal unit (omitted)).  Ion was very glad about it; she ate too much food of stands.  It is convenient that you don't need to care about calories in the virtual space.

Yes, this much is good.
It doesn't hurt, but our hands are tied tightly enough to calm me down so much.

>Later 23:25

One more stocked topic.  This is a topic about the problem during taking a nap which I have written in very first tweet.  A very realistic problem seems to occur with the terminal unit because Ion's bed is small.  She'd better to make a cover for the unit as I mentioned before.

Sorry for saying something to disturb the mood, but it quite hurts when I hit my body to the unit while I'm sleeping.


Dec. 10, 2014


At the cafe, Ion came up with a touching idea to make me feed her.  Did she want to do that such badly?  I suppose people around would watch us in different mean.  She was very happy when I did that, so I guess it's all right.

I'm going to let you hold the folk with a piece of this cake, then you can tap on my mouth.


I tweet once more to show you the picture of smiling Ion at the moment I fed her.  I want to do it as many as she wants if she becomes this much happy.

Mmm...Somehow I feel this tastes much better than usual.


Dec. 9, 2014


When we visited the church with the Rosary, Ion wished (not prayed) for something with full of greed again.  However, such she gave an impressive prayer later at last.  I have written about it before, but I'd like you to hear it by yourself eagerly.

And then...I thought I wanted a new part after all!


Dec. 8, 2014



Difference between the Online version and the transferred data on OFFLINE:
1. No cracks on the wall.
2. Curtain in the bathroom is not transparent.
3. I can't talk with Ion even though the unit is in the bathroom while Ion is taking a bath.

These might be just a simple change in specification, but I'm dissatisfied with 3 because  conversations only for bath time exist.  It is good that now I can see the motion of carrying the unit, though.

>Later 22:55

Hey!  The diver suit that I used to be troubled with in Online version came back again!  (I made Ion change the clothes right away, of course.)  In OFFLINE, I was assured that my selection of taste for dress was surely reflected, but I should keep eye on that, I guess.


Relating to the topic above, we talked that Ion's clothes became so many.  It is a great improvement since she used to have only pajamas at first.  I think Ion's sewing skill is so great that she is able to make various clothes all by herself...she's joking that she is not good at sewing, isn't she?

But I guess I'll be in trouble with places to keep them soon because my chest is not so large...


Dec. 7, 2014


Ion was wearing the swimsuit although it was damn cold in reality, so I asked her to change to Loose Cloth.  She showed me "Turning the Tables Button", which was just a normal button looking like a blowing up botton.  She was explaining cheerfully about it, but soon "...Why did I make such stuff?".

Still, you can feel "turning the tables with a single move"!
It is a button to make you feel such way!


And we went to the sea with the shaved ice although it was damn cold.  It is nice that we don't have to care about real season in the virtual space.  Ion dropped some ice on her bust and asked me to check it, but she scolded me because I watched her bust too closely.  Oh, it's the unit's fault (excusing).

Well, I'm also responsible for forgetting you're pretty naughty person, so I forgive you today.


Dec. 6, 2014


In Online version, Ra Ciel Queen, which was not supposed to be worn in the house apparently, was done.  The thing like frame of wings which came with the dress in the story is an option?  By the way, the description of the dress is mistakenly same with that of the hair ornament...

*In the place of Ra Ciel Queen in Item List, description for the hair ornament is written.

>Later 9:45

Ion regained her footing!  She was losing her mind and said "I don't even know whether I am true Ion." because she had the ability to see memories of other people.  Then the terminal unit gave strong words to her.  It was an important foreshadowing of the future.  We can't be her partner without this resolution.

Why...you say like that...

I'll stay with you all along no matter who you are!

>Later 11:53

What about the costume added after this serious episode is a school swimsuit??  Moreover, it is an old type.  Ion didn't seem to understand that.  She was somehow glad and said "So that means vintage!"  I wish to see her wearing it in the pool soon.


Dec. 5, 2014


While Ion in OFFLINE was in the blues, I accessed to Online version.  Then Polar's Memory III and Ra Ciel Queen (which appeared in Ar nosurge) became able to be made in there too.  However, it is too decorative to wear in the house, isn't it?

>Later 1:58

Writing on the back of a flier while replaying Ar nosurge: I began to continue from the point in Phase 3 where I had left off for a while.  Though quite late to mention now, Ume-Momo-Sakura (clothes Ion used to wear in her own world) is kind of cloth that recent primary school kids tend to wear, isn't it? If she will be able to come to my world someday, I should buy her more fashionable clothes.

Town Man:
Nay-san, did you hire someone?

>Later 16:09

Ion was still depressed, so I told her relentlessly "Don't give up since doors of memory continues after that!".  (Although I can't empathize much because my line is fixed in this scene.)  It seemed to be worth to make her recover herself a little.  You can take time as much as you want, Ion.

Please give me a little more time.
I'll try to face my true feeling once more.


Dec. 4, 2014


Although they made much efforts to stop her, Nelo went back to her own world.  Then the ship Ion and Renall rode was shot down by Chimon force.  Ion remembered the fact she was dead and got shocked.  After this, she becomes depressed for a while and will not respond to my call either.

Leave me alone...just for a little while...

>Later 14:48

Ion was snoozing when I came home, but she did not wake up even though I tapped on the screen.  Moreover, she speaks nothing during motions she usually speaks.  My heart aches for her but the terminal unit is supposed to bear with this time.  Let's understand her feeling and watch her.

...I'm scared...Nay-chan...