Bug Report on Ciel nosurge OFFLINE
The current latest version is 1.04. The latest version number which the bug occurs is written at the end of each item. (Items with no numbers were already fixed or hadn't been checked on the latest version.)
Memo for bugs I have found (not reported):
- 髪型関係のイベントが2回連続で再生される。
- 料理中から時間を進めて食事中の状態になった時、タップした会話の後に、完成時のコメントが再生される。[1.04]
- ねりこさんが訪問した際、カメラを動かすとねりこさんが去る時追尾してくれない。(ねりこさんが来た瞬間から全く動かさなければ追尾してくれる。)[1.04]
- レシピブックを使用しての一回目のデートから戻った時、ねりこさんが基本ポーズのまま後ろに立っている。(下画像参照)
- Events about Ion's hairstyle are played twice at a time.
- When I forward time while cooking and Ion's status becomes eating, Ion comments about the cooking after I talk with her by tapping. [1.04]
- When Nelico-san visits Ion's house, the camera does not follow her as she goes out if I move the camera. (If I don't move the camera at all from the moment Nelico-san comes, then the camera follows her.) [1.04]
- When we come back from the date by using Recipe Book for the first time, Nelico-san stands behind in the basic pose of 3-D model. (Refer to the screenshot below.)

- イオンが採取から戻った際、イオンの位置が狂って端末の下になる。(下画像参照)
- When Ion comes back from gathering materials, her position goes wrong, and she stands under the unit. (Refer to the screenshot below.)
- 端末をキッチンからテーブルへ移動した際、イオンの位置が狂う。(下画像参照)
- When the terminal unit is moved from the kitchen to the table, Ion's position goes wrong. (Refer to the screenshot below.)
- 入浴中、端末が浴室の中にあってもイオンと会話できない。独り言または外にいるのが前提の会話のままになる。(新規データ・移行データ共に発生)
- 入浴中、端末が浴室の中にある時にセーブして、ロード時に時間を進めて睡眠中以降に再開した場合、端末が浴室に置かれたままになっている。(こちらから姿が見えないまま、イオンは普通に話す。)
- 特定のタスク時に、適切でない汎用会話がある。(食事時や工作時に、「なにか食べたい」「なにか作りたい」と言う。)[1.04]
- セカイパックの皇帝編第三幕内で、キャス&ネロのパートと白鷹のパート(2つの修復ポイントが同時に出るところ)を見た後、夢セカイから戻ると2つのパートに対するイオンの感想が入れ違って再生される。[1.04]
- 髪型をオカッパにした時、通常と失敗が混在する状態になることがある。[1.04]
- ウェディングリングを作成した際、毎回「プロポーズ解禁」のメッセージが出る。[1.04]
- Although the terminal unit is inside the bathroom, I can't talk with Ion during bath time. I can hear only talking to herself or conversations on condition that the unit is set outside. (It appears on both new data and transferred data.)
- After I save the data during bath time while the terminal unit is inside the bathroom, the unit is left in the bathroom when I continue the game by fast-forwarding time until the task is changed to sleeping or other later tasks. (Ion replies in the same way as when the unit is set outside the bathroom while I can't see her at all.)
- There are some irrelevant general conversations for some specific tasks. (Ion says that she wants to eat something or she wants to make something while she's eating or making a craft.) [1.04]
- In Act Three of "Empress" chapter of World Pack, Ion's impression for the part of Cas and Nero, and for the part of Shirotaka (which repairing points appear at the same time) are exchanged after I return from Dream World. [1.04]
- When I make Ion's hair bobbed, conditions of normal version and failed version are sometimes mixed. [1.04]
- The message of "Propose was enabled" is displayed every time I make Wedding Ring. [1.04]
*The bug described below was fixed on Version 1.02.
There is a bug on Version 1.01. I write the way to avoid this bug first because you won't be able to recover by yourself once this bug occurs.
The way to avoid this bug:
In Dream World, you must not part with (delete) a Sharl while you are restoring Ion's memory.
If you do it, the Sharl who is working on the restoration would be exchanged with another Sharl, and the original working Sharl would be keeping in working condition after that. (If this happens, all you can do is replaying from a save data before that. You should always get backup of your save data!)
Detail of the bug is written below:
Condition to reproduce this bug:
There are two or more Sharls.
Not using a support Sharl. (If you use a support Sharl, the result would be the same as when you have only two Sharls in step 3.)
Possibility to reproduce this bug:
(I checked that it occurred in World Pack vol.1 and vol.2. I expect the same bug would occur in other World Packs.)
Procedure to reproduce this bug:
1. Inside the door of memory in Dream World, begin restoration of any broken point with any Sharl.
2. While the restoration in process, go to the Sharl's nest and delete any Sharl that you can delete.
3. Then the working Sharl would be exchanged with another Sharl who is in the nest. (If there were only two Sharls, an error would occur and the application would shut down when you access to the restoring point after you delete a Sharl. You can see step 4 if you had more than two Sharls.)
4. In the Sharl's nest, the original working Sharl would stay in working condition. That condition would not be fixed thereafter.