ラシェーラの人がQuell->{ein te hyme};を聴いた時の気持ちを、今の方がわかる気がします。星が崩壊寸前の時にイオンの詩がどれほど希望だったか。それだけ私達の世界の状況が悪くなっている事実が悲しいです。
I feel I can understand better now how did people in Ra Ciela feel when they listened to Quell->{ein te hyme};. How much hope Ion's song gave to the people when the planet was just before going to collapse. I'm sad it indicates that situations in our world is imminently getting worse than before.
Either white birds flying in the sky or red flowers blooming on the land,
let us wish for tomorrow standing together and sing.
By the way, I already has got to the point which all the rest I can do is cutting off the power of terminal unit. However, I think I'll leave the condition until Trinary's starting date is announced. I guess I'd miss the habit of accessing the game if I stop, so maybe I'll make efforts for making new records of janken.