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May 14, 2016


New cases have been flowing one after another in my time line during last few days.  That makes me feel disappointed while I was reading about independent clever girls in the Surge novel.  The reality in Japan is still several laps behind.  Director Tsuchiya was writing as below at the end of the book.



"I have been repeating travelling to seven-dimensional world, but thinking over now, I guess I always tend to go to worlds which are based on certain providence and phenomenon.  One is that there is a law of 'thought becomes power', and the other is that there is a certain tendency for the structural system of capital and labor.  Putting these aspects together, you can see a world which changes its history by fighting between 'irrational order of the society you can't do anything with' and 'your own convinced belief and choices'.  Whenever I travel to seven-dimensional world, I realize my destination always used to be such places as I look back last ten years.  In there, my dark side such as ego and anima stuck in my unconsciousness, which even I don't know, is undoubtedly hiding.  The reason why I have kept contacting with worlds I described above, is that maybe I'm potentially feeling great anger with the social system of this world."

quoted from "Yuuki-san!  Does the World Next to Us Really Exist?  Yuuki Nei Life Logging!  Vol.2" published by Hifumi Shobo Co.,Ltd. 


As I read this, I thought Tsuchiya-san probably also has some thoughts to what's happening in the recent society after all.  Because of that, I want to keep on checking his work.  I'm having a mysterious sense of mission that I have to keep up with trying to make his work popular.