Ion's living cycle is reversing again. She wears Liber Dress today. Ion often wears sunglasses by herself, but I usually ask her to take them off because I can't see her eyes.
>Later 22:14
あれ?サングラスは外したはずなのに、さっき見たらまた着けてましたw そんなに好きならいいけどさあ。(実際にはオートセーブのタイミングの問題でしょうが、ネタとしてはありですね。)
What? I had asked her to take the sunglasses off, but she was wearing them again when I checked a minute ago. Well, I let you wear them if you love them that much! (As a matter of fact, I guess it is caused by timing of auto save, but I like it as a fun topic.)