今日のイオンはもう寝る準備してるので、またストックネタ。温泉で背中を流すのを選ばない場合、イオンが居眠りしてこんなことになりますw お風呂で寝るって、私は経験ないな~。そんなにゆっくり入らないし。これも彼女らしいかな。
Ion has got ready to bed today, so I write a stocked topic again. If you don't choose to wash Ion's back at the hot spring, Ion falls asleep and you see this scene. I ever haven't slept in the bathtub. I usually don't take a bath for such a long time. Well, I guess it is like her too.
I thought it's stifling and opened my eyes, then I was sinking in the water, and didn't know what to do...