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July 12, 2015




I want to write a little more about Ar tonelico 2.  I remember some people used to say Luca's Diver's Therapy was prostitution, but I think it is the same as beauty salon or massage or counseling.  If you attempt to add some kind of sexual service, it is physically possible.  (Nono seemed she was doing that.)

However, Luca knew doing such thing would lower her value, and of course, she really loved Chroah, thus I suppose she persisted in her belief.  On the other hand, I was impressed that she treated 100 I.P.D.s while herself was very busy (like as fighting in battles).

Treated I.P.D.s all became Chroche Bodyguards, but I guess it was rather good to let Chroche order them since Chroche had the suitable ability.  As a result, the big sister made her little sister have the credit for it.  I think Chroche is appriciating Luca for making her wish to help I.P.D.s come true.

>Later 23:42

I have nothing to write today, so here's Untweeted Date Series: This was when Ion came up with the idea of candy apple.  Ion wondered why she knew apple which did not exist in Ra Ciela.  I had somehow noticed where she came from because she was talking about things such as soy sauce before that.

Nevertheless, I can remember its taste as soon as I think about taste of an apple.