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July 23, 2015

こう言われると作ってもらってるみたいで、少しときめきましたw 今日はタイミングが合ったので、嫁と一緒に夕飯。イオンはまたエビパン、私はかき揚げとざる蕎麦食べました。イオンのメニューに麺類が全くないのはつくづく不思議。

I got a little spark joy when Ion told me as below. That made me feel as if she was cooking for me.  I came home in a good timing today, so I had a dinner with her.  Ion ate Shrimp Bread again; I ate cold soba with mixed tempura.  I deeply wonder once more why there's no noodle recipe in Ion's menu.

It's going to take some more time till it's done, so can you wait for a moment?

>Later 23:33



I remember there was a subject in the old Toukou Sphere that Japanese talked by the characters in the game was only translated, but they actually were talking in an original language which was different from Hymnos.  (It is quite reasonable if we consider calmly.)  I think it is same in Ra Ciela.

Then how about Ion?  I suppose she was surely using the public language when she talked to other people, but perhaps she was using Japanese when she was alone with the player such as Purification in Ar nosurge.  By the way, Ion sings in Keihan-Soukaishi (traditional language like hymnos used in Ra Ciela) for the part which she speaks to the player in the ending song.  However, I think Japanese might be rather natural for the part according to the setting.

If so, why didn't she sing it in Japanese?  Besides some serious reason which is supposed to be written in the explanation of lyrics in the Setting Reference Book, I guess she was just being shy.  (I mean really!)  Couldn't she tell that in the form which we could directly understand?  I imagined of such thing as I was listening to the CD.

z-wang-n tor-on-eq a-wang earthes-re u-ja-n,
The small console became a big robot (Earthes);

soh-nu ih=rate-la-n;
I was somehow embarrassed.

iyon-eq beg-jen-dai-nr tesm,
When you'd been crashed,

ih=ef vy-ela-i;
I was really sad.


iyon-eq ren ih-ne romm-ny tesm,
I almost cried for happiness

ih=lac-ru-i von soh-nh sya-ion-i;
that you came back beside me.

アルノサージュジェノメトリックコンサート side.蒼「刻神楽」
作詞・作曲・編曲・歌唱/志方あきこ より

From Ar nosurge Genometric Concert side. Ao "Toki-Kagura"
"For You in This World and For You in That World"
Lyrics, composed, arranged, and vocal/chorus by Akiko Shikata