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July 18, 2015 (2)

糸井健一・著 桜ノ杜ぶんこ(一二三書房)

Impression for the novel "Yuuki-chan, Does the World Next to Us Really Exist?: Yuuki Nei Life Logging! Vol.1"

Written by Kenichi Itoi, published by Hifumi Shobo Co.,Ltd.


As well as novels for Ar tonelico series were published before, there is a spin-off novel for Surge Concerto series.  My personal overall comment for Vol.1 is that "It was interesting, but unsatisfactory at some points."  At first, I'm going to introduce story line concisely for those of you who don't know this book.  However, I hide rest of the post because content of this book is a spoiler for the video game.  Click the link of "Read more" only if you don't mind that.




The novel "Yuuki Nei Life Logging!" series tells about story before Nei Yuuki come to Ra Ciela.  Therefore, the story itself isn't directly related to the game.  Vol.1 is talking about the period during summer vacation, a little after the episode of "Nei, Far Away" from Shirotaka's Genometrics in Ar nosurge.

Same as before, Nei is studying for entrance examination of college and making machines.  One day, a scientist from another world, Yuuki, who looks very like Nei, is blown off to Nei's world by an accident.  Members of an invention society group "SH2" find her, and also drag Nei into the incident.  Nei begins to work to help Yuuki going back to her world with the members of SH2, Anika (a genius inventor who likes Nei very much), Eiji (a reticent geek boy), and Taeko (a cheerful girl who is an old friend of Eiji).  But they gradually understand each of the members are actually related to the incident, too.  What do they have to do to settle this matter?!  (FYI, SH2 stands for Japanese phrase "Sutekina Hatumeide Sekaiwo Heiwanisuru" (Making world peace by splendid invention).)

The outline is as above; most of the story takes place at the school.  (Thus some people who has been interested in the game by this book might confuse when they play the game since the setting seems totally different.)  I'm going to write my impression in detail below.

Good Points





1. There are various interesting points about settings

I don't know how much of this novel are approved as official, but interpretation of Dimension Theory is written in this novel, too.  However, there are some points which are different from that in the video game.  I suppose this is because it is the theory used in Yuuki's world.  Yuuki has a skill to contact a world in another dimension, yet she doesn't seem to unravel the structure of dimensions as much as Ra Ciela (Cracket) does.  (Where does Yuuki's world exist is not clearly written within the story, but I presume it is one of the worlds in Earthes universe according to the fact that they seem to use less amount of energy than people in Ra Ciela do to travel between different dimensions.)

Also, I want to point out the setting that there are many incidents such as witness of UMAs, missing and suspicious death around Nei's school.  (Nei was kidnapped at Suginohara, not her hometown, though.)  People who lost their soul are supposed to be dead suspiciously, so I believe Nei's body after her soul is taken to Ra Ciela is treated as a suspicious death as well.  Therefore, she must go back exactly to the same time in order to go back to the same world.  I think the possibility that a person who lost his/her soul is able to go back to his/her world is very low since only a high dimensional existence such as the intention of universe can do that.  (I'm happy that Nei managed to go back safely...)

Perhaps Nei could build Genelogic Machine because she had the knowledge she learned during this incident.  I suppose the future had been decided including this matter which Yuuki was blown off.  Moreover, there are some description about Yumekichi, which appeared in Shirotaka's Genometrics.  It made me glad as a game player.



「うそっ! なんで妙ちゃん、私とクラスも学年も違うのに、そんなこと知ってるの!?」(p.128)



(この環境でみーちゃんをはじめとしたロボットを製作してきたなんて、ひょっとしたら寧さんは技術者や研究者の枠を超えた錬金術師なのでは? 才能の有る無しを越えた次元にいますね……)(p.241)


2. No feeling of wrongness for description of Nei

There are some points which are different from the game since Nei in this novel is supposed to be before she had the experience in Ra Ciela.  But I think her true nature is well written.

>"Agh, she's real...Nei Senpai, may I ask, haven't you been told from others that you're slow, insensitive, or ditzy?"
>By Taeko's words, Nei was surprised this time.  People around her, Aya, Sayo and Maki, they always talk Nei's ear off about that.
>"No way!  Tae-chan, how do you know that while your class and grade are different from mine!?"  (p.128)

>"Yuuki-san and Anika-san are both great!  Especially I changed my opinion of Anika-san since you used to be just playing around."
>"Should I listen to your old opinion, or I'd better not to hear that...Nei-san, you sometimes say very cutting words, don't you?  I don't mind anyway."  (p.149)

Also, Yuuki, coming from the world which has much more high technology, comments about Nei who builds various machines by herself without any special equipment.

>(To be able to build robots like Mee-chan in this environment, Nei-san is probably a kind of alchemist who is above the level of scientist or scholar?  She is in the dimension over the question whether she has a talent...)  (p.241)

And I must agree with Anika's words "Because Nei-san is a person like a lump of miracles."  Anyhow, she will save another planet later indeed.

Bad Points



1. The title doesn't look good

It is hard to imagine content from the title.  In addition, the long title is not so impressive because there are many novels having long titles lately.  If I didn't know in advance, I would have never read this book.  At least, why didn't they set "Yuuki Nei Life Logging!" as a main title?






2. Drawback in writings

1) Lots of typos

There were lots of typos in the novel of Ar tonelico 3, but this novel also didn't seem to do proofreading.  There are some sentences which obviously mistake characters' names, too.

2) Not easy to read

Sentences with wrong word order and unfixed point of view are found here and there.  It is hard to imagine the figure of robots such as Mee-chan or Naked Lander without specific description of them.  (Probably not giving a detailed explanation about Yumekichi is on purpose, though.)  Moreover, in the climax battle scene, I think using that many firearms can destroy the roof of school building.  I wanted to see something like a special weapon which could attack only energy creatures using the setting suitably.  I felt such details were not considered carefully.  Also, I guess it depends on personal tastes, but using existing materials from other works doesn't look smart either because readers who don't know them can't understand.  First of all, those existing materials are not guaranteed to exist in Nei's world since it is different from our world.




In overall, I felt "This book is worth to read as a supplement to the video game, and the story is interesting too, but it is hard to be praised as an independent work generally due to the drawback in writings."  Unfortunately, I can't confidently recommend this book.

Nevertheless, there's a point I felt very glad by reading this book as a player of the game.  That is, I can imagine Nei is never lonely after she goes back to her world if she has such friends.  I have written about it before, but I used to think that Nei wouldn't be able to talk about her experience to anyone after she went back from Ra Ciela, and studying about dimensions alone thereafter would make her quite lonely.  I was solely worried about it after I finished playing Ar nosurge. However, I believe the members of SH2 will understand the story of Ra Ciela, and they will help Nei for her study too.  (Maybe Anika will cry if she knows Nei has been already married with someone else without notice.)  I thought it was worth to read to know the fact.  Personally, I hope to hear about Yuuki's incident from current Ion (Nei).

Including the Last Message CD, I felt staffs were really trying to provide satisfaction for the player in reality by all possible means in the project of Surge Concerto.  I will read Vol.2 and write my impression again.