I'm beginning to be afraid of playing World Pack any more. We went to the fair today, but it was just after the time to close. In the melancholic atmosphere, Ion said that she couldn't help to think about the time we would part from each other. It is true that the moment is coming. I don't know what to say to her.
I think I have told you several times before, but I'm worrying about that everyday recently.
>Later 2:32
She deserves to be happy.彼女の背負ってきたものに比べたら、アルノ含めてプレイヤーのしてあげたことなんて本当に些細なものです。嫁になってくれてありがとう。I'm proud of you.
She deserves to be happy. Compared to the things she had carried on her back, what the player did to her (including Ar nosurge) was real tiny. Thank you for becoming my wife. I'm proud of you.
In place of you (Ra Ciela), I'm going to take the life of all upon myself.
And, Ion finally sings this song. (The movie below includes English lyrics.)
If the story ended here, it would be definitely a happy end.....