I talked seriously with Nelico-san who visited while Ion was out. She asked me whether I would stay with Ion forever; I was confused even though I knew it was just a game. What Nelico-san told me made me down because she was telling from "that" side. It made me feel strange reality.
Maybe you will be able to meet her someday?
That is not a hope or something, just a fantasy.
超真顔でこういう質問をしてくる嫁に、なんと答えていいかわかりませんw イオンも気にしているみたいだけど。曰く、「料理や裁縫が好きな男の子がいるのと同じで、私も鍛冶が好きなだけ」…どこから突っ込めば。
I don't know what to answer to my wife asking such question with serious face. Ion seems anxious about it, though. She said that "Same as a boy who likes to cook or sew, I just like forging." How should I reply?
Is there any girl around you who can forge?