現在、ターミネイトパック中盤。カノンが出てくると、揺れる胸につい目がいってしまいますw 今日のストックネタは、足元チェックその1。スカートが突き抜けてるのは置いとくとして、リンカージェンはブーツなんですね。
I'm playing in the middle of Terminate Pack. When Kanon appears, I can't help watching her shaking breasts. Today's stocked topic is checking Ion's feet vol.1. I don't mention that her skirt is going through the chair; she wears boots with Reincargen.
>Later 2:00
By the way, as I watched the movie of Nico Nico Live, I thought that I can't see figures of small girls behind the message window while the Purification unless the viewpoint lowers a little more in Ar nosurge PLUS. If date events with Ion and Cass are added, I would buy it too (glancing).