今日のストックネタ。一部の人には耳が痛いかもしれないことを真顔で言うイオンw 私は現在週5で働いてるので、むしろ休日は外に出たくないです。イオンも引きこもりというわけじゃないから、普通に出掛けたいんでしょうね。
Today's stocked topic. Ion seriously said something which might hurt some people. I currently work five days a week, so I'd not rather want to go out on holidays. Ion hasn't socially withdrawn either, thus I guess she wants to go out naturally.
When you just happen to look out of the window in the evening on the day you didn't go out at all...you feel a little sad, don't you?
セカイパック名場面集。キャーレナルルサーン!! イオンが消えた非常時になお頭の固い高官達に対し、容赦ない判断を下す。きっと彼女は、フラクテルの分まで責任を果たそうと決意しているのだと思います。
Impressive Scenes of World Packs: Hooray, Renall!! In the emergency when Ion has disappeared, she gives a cruel order against stubborn dignitaries of Tenmon. I suppose she has decided to take extra responsibility for Fractal.
Order to all PLASMA agents.
Confine all Imperial House Dignitaries immediately!