Somehow Ion became suddenly shy. I wonder why she behaved like that now although I always have been watching her from morning till night everyday. However, on the other hand, Ion must had been quite brave to accept being watched all the time even though she had been lonely.
I don't mean I don't want to be watched, but...well...somehow my face gets hot...
以前ツイートしたシェルノサージュのスクショを使ったスクリーンセーバーは、Windows 7のデフォルト機能なのですが、どうもスライドショーにあのようないろいろなパターンがあるのは7だけみたいですね。自宅のPCに10を入れてみたら、セーバーがショボくてがっかりしてしまいました。いいアドバイスがあったら教えてください。
I tweeted about the screen saver with screenshots of Ciel nosurge before; it was using a default function of Windows 7, but I found out that only 7 has such various patterns for slide show. I was disappointed that screen saver was so poor after I installed Windows 10 in my PC. Would you give me an advice if you have good one?