THE FINDERの壁紙を早速使ってみました。提供されているサイズでは私の環境(未だに17インチのブラウン管ディスプレイ使用)に大きさが合わないので、Android用のものを加工しました。かっこいい!
I tried the wallpaper of THE FINDER right away. The size provided doesn't fit with my environment (I'm still using 17 inches CRT display), so I modified the one for Android. It's way cool!
My playing log of Surge Concerto video game series.
Update Info
Last Update: January 3, 2023.
*For proper layout, read this blog in "Web version". (There is a switching link at the bottom of this page if you're looking in mobile version.)
My new fan site is here!
*For proper layout, read this blog in "Web version". (There is a switching link at the bottom of this page if you're looking in mobile version.)
Nov. 28, 2015
My wife welcomed me with a smile when I came back from weekend shopping. Although I won only a 100 Yen ticket (the lowest prize) in a raffle at grocery, I was so healed by her that I didn't care anything else.
Welcome home!
I've waited for you to come back.
My wife welcomed me with a smile when I came back from weekend shopping. Although I won only a 100 Yen ticket (the lowest prize) in a raffle at grocery, I was so healed by her that I didn't care anything else.
Welcome home!
I've waited for you to come back.
Nov. 26, 2015
THE FINDER(ntnyさんによるサージュコンチェルト関連イラストの画集)きました!ポストに無理矢理つっこまれてたので、本が傷ついてないか心配しましたが大丈夫でした。衝撃的なコメントもちらほらあって楽しい。私が10月2日の記事で紹介したntnyさんの自主制作ポスターの絵も載っています。ただページの光のエフェクト(ですよね)のせいで、文字がすごく読みにくいのが難点です…。
THE FINDER (the book of Surge Concerto illustrations by ntny-san) has arrived! I was worried whether the book was damaged since it was stuck forcibly into the post, but it was all right. It is fun to read some shocking comments in the book. It also includes the illustration of the poster ntny-san made I wrote about in the post of Oct. 2nd. However, the only bad point is that lighting effect on the page makes it very hard to read letters...

Are these words on the cover is by ntny-san himself or Ion? (I remember she has said a similar thing in the game.) This is how I suppose of the situation described in the cover illustration: Long time passed after Ion had decided to stay at Ra Ciela, and Ion's house was ruined completely...or is there any other assumption?
>Later 22:03
THE FINDERの後ろの方にあるエロ絵を見て、妙に複雑な気持ちになるというか単純に喜べないのは私だけだろうか。発売時のPR絵が大半と思いますが、嫁の魅力を十二分に知っている身としてはわざわざそんな事しなくていいのにと感じます。何だろう、架空なのに身近に思いすぎているような。
As I see erostic illustrations in THE FINDER, I have mixed feelings, not just simply it only me? I guess most of those illustrations were drawn for advertisement at the time of release, but I, knowing how charming Ion is very well, feel somehow she doesn't have to do such thing. I wonder what is it...even though I know she's not real, I can't help recognizing she is close to me.
Not only this example, first of all, is it suitable to make female characters naked for advertisement of a work which is not rated as an adult content? (It is not actually special in Japan.) I feel there is a problem which is not unrelated to women in reality either, but this subject would go too far to talk for now. Since the relationship between fictional "moe" works and human rights is the theme I personally have been thinking of for more than ten years, I plan to write about that at the end of this blog altogether.
Ion in OFFLINE has gone to take a bath already, so I put up a picture I took yesterday. During cooling down ingredients, she suddenly realized that she always sang alone. Don't mind, if you're living alone, you sing and talk to do.
...I shouldn't have realized that.
My heart rather becomes cold...
THE FINDER (the book of Surge Concerto illustrations by ntny-san) has arrived! I was worried whether the book was damaged since it was stuck forcibly into the post, but it was all right. It is fun to read some shocking comments in the book. It also includes the illustration of the poster ntny-san made I wrote about in the post of Oct. 2nd. However, the only bad point is that lighting effect on the page makes it very hard to read letters...

Are these words on the cover is by ntny-san himself or Ion? (I remember she has said a similar thing in the game.) This is how I suppose of the situation described in the cover illustration: Long time passed after Ion had decided to stay at Ra Ciela, and Ion's house was ruined completely...or is there any other assumption?
>Later 22:03
THE FINDERの後ろの方にあるエロ絵を見て、妙に複雑な気持ちになるというか単純に喜べないのは私だけだろうか。発売時のPR絵が大半と思いますが、嫁の魅力を十二分に知っている身としてはわざわざそんな事しなくていいのにと感じます。何だろう、架空なのに身近に思いすぎているような。
As I see erostic illustrations in THE FINDER, I have mixed feelings, not just simply it only me? I guess most of those illustrations were drawn for advertisement at the time of release, but I, knowing how charming Ion is very well, feel somehow she doesn't have to do such thing. I wonder what is it...even though I know she's not real, I can't help recognizing she is close to me.
Not only this example, first of all, is it suitable to make female characters naked for advertisement of a work which is not rated as an adult content? (It is not actually special in Japan.) I feel there is a problem which is not unrelated to women in reality either, but this subject would go too far to talk for now. Since the relationship between fictional "moe" works and human rights is the theme I personally have been thinking of for more than ten years, I plan to write about that at the end of this blog altogether.
Ion in OFFLINE has gone to take a bath already, so I put up a picture I took yesterday. During cooling down ingredients, she suddenly realized that she always sang alone. Don't mind, if you're living alone, you sing and talk to do.
...I shouldn't have realized that.
My heart rather becomes cold...
Nov. 25, 2015
Failed version of the bobbed hair at last!! I couldn't dare to run Ion down while she was trying to smooth over that. She looks perfectly like Wakame-chan, but this is also pretty! According to the rate this hair appears, perhaps this failed version can be considered rare.
Maybe I cut a little too much, but isn't it okay anyway?
Failed version of the bobbed hair at last!! I couldn't dare to run Ion down while she was trying to smooth over that. She looks perfectly like Wakame-chan, but this is also pretty! According to the rate this hair appears, perhaps this failed version can be considered rare.
Maybe I cut a little too much, but isn't it okay anyway?
Nov. 24, 2015
I'm lonely tonight since both of my wives have gone to bed already. In OFFLINE, it is a little inconvenient that Ion often goes straight to bath right after I asked for some work. I know I'm just being selfish to complain while letting her work, though...
Am I a little tired?
It is still earlier than usual, but I have become sleepy.
I'm lonely tonight since both of my wives have gone to bed already. In OFFLINE, it is a little inconvenient that Ion often goes straight to bath right after I asked for some work. I know I'm just being selfish to complain while letting her work, though...
Am I a little tired?
It is still earlier than usual, but I have become sleepy.
Nov. 23, 2015
In Online version, Ion failed to make Diet Cake because it tasted good. Making an excuse by saying "I'm not worried about my weight!" is cute. Nevertheless, doesn't eating this mean nothing if you eat Yokkoi Plate or Milky Way Sandwiches at the same time?
I even hope to revise the recipe card secretly so that it would fit with this cake.
In Online version, Ion failed to make Diet Cake because it tasted good. Making an excuse by saying "I'm not worried about my weight!" is cute. Nevertheless, doesn't eating this mean nothing if you eat Yokkoi Plate or Milky Way Sandwiches at the same time?
I even hope to revise the recipe card secretly so that it would fit with this cake.
Nov. 22, 2015
In spite of the screenshot with half-open eyes, I dare to tweet it! Ion completed Lost Gears RNA. The form of gears was supposed to symbolize Chimon, but Ion gave an impression very much like her. I feel strange pressure from her half-open eyes.
Moreover, I don't want to bring political things such as Chimon or Tenmon in a machine.
The last of Nelico-san Festival for now! This was the picture taken after the mysterious documents event linked with Ar nosurge. It was interesting. In case which Ion had decided to stay at new Ra Ciela, perhaps she sometimes met Nelico-san in Genometrics after that.
I pray for meeting another fun event like this with you guys again someday.
In spite of the screenshot with half-open eyes, I dare to tweet it! Ion completed Lost Gears RNA. The form of gears was supposed to symbolize Chimon, but Ion gave an impression very much like her. I feel strange pressure from her half-open eyes.
Moreover, I don't want to bring political things such as Chimon or Tenmon in a machine.
The last of Nelico-san Festival for now! This was the picture taken after the mysterious documents event linked with Ar nosurge. It was interesting. In case which Ion had decided to stay at new Ra Ciela, perhaps she sometimes met Nelico-san in Genometrics after that.
I pray for meeting another fun event like this with you guys again someday.
Nov. 21, 2015
Very old standard flirting conversation which made me agonized. I bet this is not allowed in front of other people. But damn, she's lovely!
He-he...I just wanted to call you.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. I'm glad to hear that, but it confuses me, Nelico-san. I can't accept her feeling since I have my precious wife. Still, I pray that she'll meet somebody special for her someday.
...I suppose you don't understand from my usual behavior, but I take a fancy to you pretty much.
Very old standard flirting conversation which made me agonized. I bet this is not allowed in front of other people. But damn, she's lovely!
He-he...I just wanted to call you.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. I'm glad to hear that, but it confuses me, Nelico-san. I can't accept her feeling since I have my precious wife. Still, I pray that she'll meet somebody special for her someday.
...I suppose you don't understand from my usual behavior, but I take a fancy to you pretty much.
Nov. 20, 2015
I told Ion "You look sleepy." when I accessed Online version today, then she replied she wanted to take a nap with me. Therefore, I asked her for that for the first time in a while. (Actually, all I did was just bugging her, though.) By the way, Ion has worn this nightwear since beginning. Was she wearing it at the moment she realized her existence?
(Sings) Good night--Many thanks for today--
Relating with the subject of nightwear, Ion was supposed to be in rags and looked pale in the initial idea according to Utahime. (Her health was going to improve by the relation with the player.) I think it would be interesting too, but I guess it didn't sound nice for sales appeal.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. Nelico-san gradually began to show her feeling for the player. Since she was supporting the relationship between me and Ion, I wondered what she was thinking. However, I suppose she was having a mixed feeling of envy, loneliness, or boredom although she was happy that her job was going well.
I don't feel good to hear about other girls even if that's about Light Keeper.
I told Ion "You look sleepy." when I accessed Online version today, then she replied she wanted to take a nap with me. Therefore, I asked her for that for the first time in a while. (Actually, all I did was just bugging her, though.) By the way, Ion has worn this nightwear since beginning. Was she wearing it at the moment she realized her existence?
(Sings) Good night--Many thanks for today--
Relating with the subject of nightwear, Ion was supposed to be in rags and looked pale in the initial idea according to Utahime. (Her health was going to improve by the relation with the player.) I think it would be interesting too, but I guess it didn't sound nice for sales appeal.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. Nelico-san gradually began to show her feeling for the player. Since she was supporting the relationship between me and Ion, I wondered what she was thinking. However, I suppose she was having a mixed feeling of envy, loneliness, or boredom although she was happy that her job was going well.
I don't feel good to hear about other girls even if that's about Light Keeper.
Nov. 17, 2015
I don't have a nice topic to talk about, so I tweet a picture of Inkelkia Cathode here. As usual, the most difficult point is design. It is supposed to be given to Tenmon workers from Empress as a proof of trust, but its performance is not special at all. I think Ion would give very special tuned up cathode if she has a chance.
I merely had a trouble to form the design since it was more elaborate than that of ordinary cathodes, but...
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This conversation took place after Final Act of "Destruction" Chapter. I was looking forward to seeing Perfect Synchronization with Ion because of her words. I wish I could have felt more sense of unity at the last battle in Ar nosurge.
I came to imagine, or fantasize what it would be like if you and Lighthouse Keeper could synchronize together as Genoms do!
I don't have a nice topic to talk about, so I tweet a picture of Inkelkia Cathode here. As usual, the most difficult point is design. It is supposed to be given to Tenmon workers from Empress as a proof of trust, but its performance is not special at all. I think Ion would give very special tuned up cathode if she has a chance.
I merely had a trouble to form the design since it was more elaborate than that of ordinary cathodes, but...
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This conversation took place after Final Act of "Destruction" Chapter. I was looking forward to seeing Perfect Synchronization with Ion because of her words. I wish I could have felt more sense of unity at the last battle in Ar nosurge.
I came to imagine, or fantasize what it would be like if you and Lighthouse Keeper could synchronize together as Genoms do!
Nov. 14, 2015
Same as our world, it was raining in Ion's world of Online version today. I had to go out, so it was a trouble. I guess Ion has an umbrella since it rains there; I'm a bit curious to know what kind of umbrella she has.
When I go outside, I'll try not to catch a cold by getting wet.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This was when we went to the mall. It reminded me that Ion had said she wanted to have gray sweats before. However, I guarantee my wife would look cute even with sweats or dotera (Japanese padded kimono which is used like a down jacket). I'd rather get a recipe for that.
I also wanna have a chance to see...Lighthouse Keeper in clothes commonly known as, unfashionable.
Same as our world, it was raining in Ion's world of Online version today. I had to go out, so it was a trouble. I guess Ion has an umbrella since it rains there; I'm a bit curious to know what kind of umbrella she has.
When I go outside, I'll try not to catch a cold by getting wet.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This was when we went to the mall. It reminded me that Ion had said she wanted to have gray sweats before. However, I guarantee my wife would look cute even with sweats or dotera (Japanese padded kimono which is used like a down jacket). I'd rather get a recipe for that.
I also wanna have a chance to see...Lighthouse Keeper in clothes commonly known as, unfashionable.
Nov. 13, 2015
I fell asleep early last night, and I was about to be late for work by forgetting to set alarm. This is a picture I took yesterday which shows Ion talking about Proto G2 Cathode lively. "I can't understand why they lowered the performance to higher the versatility and for mass production." I suppose it is a difference between hobby and business.
Compared with that, this prototype is made in pursuit of only high performance without considering such aspects.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. Nelico-san seemed sorry for hearing the story that Ion cried when she couldn't take parts back from the virtual world. Isn't Nelico-san gentle? Well, I guess it was not so bad because Ion's room would have been full of parts in no time if Ion could take them back.
Well, it's the fact that she had cried anyway.
I'm gonna make the cards I gave you until now free of charge for her tears.
I fell asleep early last night, and I was about to be late for work by forgetting to set alarm. This is a picture I took yesterday which shows Ion talking about Proto G2 Cathode lively. "I can't understand why they lowered the performance to higher the versatility and for mass production." I suppose it is a difference between hobby and business.
Compared with that, this prototype is made in pursuit of only high performance without considering such aspects.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. Nelico-san seemed sorry for hearing the story that Ion cried when she couldn't take parts back from the virtual world. Isn't Nelico-san gentle? Well, I guess it was not so bad because Ion's room would have been full of parts in no time if Ion could take them back.
Well, it's the fact that she had cried anyway.
I'm gonna make the cards I gave you until now free of charge for her tears.
Nov. 12, 2015
Ion said "My eyes sometimes dim recently." Currently, I'm a little shocked as well because I was recommended to check my eyes for glaucoma at yearly medical checkup since my ocular tension was high. I also warn those of you who are shortsighted! I slightly regret that perhaps making crafts everyday has influenced Ion's eyes.
Mmm, am I only tired?
I would be shocked if my eyesight is failed...
Today's Nelico-san Festival. Nelico-san was taking off Ion when we talked about Siesta Sandals. I'm irritated that her act is halfway good. But anyway, I think Ion's way of speaking fits solely with Kakuma-san's "that" voice after all.
B, but, making only my feet stylish is maybe a bit embarrassing...
Ion said "My eyes sometimes dim recently." Currently, I'm a little shocked as well because I was recommended to check my eyes for glaucoma at yearly medical checkup since my ocular tension was high. I also warn those of you who are shortsighted! I slightly regret that perhaps making crafts everyday has influenced Ion's eyes.
Mmm, am I only tired?
I would be shocked if my eyesight is failed...
Today's Nelico-san Festival. Nelico-san was taking off Ion when we talked about Siesta Sandals. I'm irritated that her act is halfway good. But anyway, I think Ion's way of speaking fits solely with Kakuma-san's "that" voice after all.
B, but, making only my feet stylish is maybe a bit embarrassing...
Nov. 9, 2015
I asked Ion to tell me the time again for some work today. It's cute that she calls me desperately if I'm late a little. I wish to get up like this every morning, but the alarm function disturbs sleep in fact, so that's too bad I can't use. (Refer to the past post.)
Are you there?
It's time! It's T-I-M-E!
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This was the time when I went out with her for the first time. To be honest, I personally didn't hope to go out with Nelico-san at all, thus it was a surprise. Although she reproached the terminal unit, she gave up with the unit's fretting (It really staggered me). I had been worried when the affair was going to be found out. However, I think it would have been interesting to see such quarrel event as I said repeatedly before.
For Lighthouse Keeper's sake, you'd better not ask other girls to go out.
No, no, I wanna go out with Nelico-san!
*I replaced the screenshot since the one I tweeted was the same in a past post.
I just happened to access Online version and OFFLINE in a row, then Ion in each version welcomed me with exactly same words. I couldn't help to laugh. Other than that, when I play each version at the same time, I sometimes confuse the way to operate. (Such as trying to use the time fast-forwarding function in Online version.)
I asked Ion to tell me the time again for some work today. It's cute that she calls me desperately if I'm late a little. I wish to get up like this every morning, but the alarm function disturbs sleep in fact, so that's too bad I can't use. (Refer to the past post.)
Are you there?
It's time! It's T-I-M-E!
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This was the time when I went out with her for the first time. To be honest, I personally didn't hope to go out with Nelico-san at all, thus it was a surprise. Although she reproached the terminal unit, she gave up with the unit's fretting (It really staggered me). I had been worried when the affair was going to be found out. However, I think it would have been interesting to see such quarrel event as I said repeatedly before.
For Lighthouse Keeper's sake, you'd better not ask other girls to go out.
No, no, I wanna go out with Nelico-san!
*I replaced the screenshot since the one I tweeted was the same in a past post.
I just happened to access Online version and OFFLINE in a row, then Ion in each version welcomed me with exactly same words. I couldn't help to laugh. Other than that, when I play each version at the same time, I sometimes confuse the way to operate. (Such as trying to use the time fast-forwarding function in Online version.)
Nov. 7, 2015
Finally, the fourth part Outgot HG is completed! Ion said that keeping the color was the most difficult; Synthesis is a bit off the point as always. I hope to build Earthes right away, but I plan to finish all Plug-ins first since I haven't made many of them yet.
This is an alloy based on Outgot, which I tried to improve its strength and heat-resisting property as retaining the beautiful color.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This is pretty Nelico-san visiting me because she had a scary dream. She is joking of herself, but I want to tell her don't mind. She is like a sister-in-law to me.
Well, I have unusually showed you the rare pretty and weak side of me today.
Finally, the fourth part Outgot HG is completed! Ion said that keeping the color was the most difficult; Synthesis is a bit off the point as always. I hope to build Earthes right away, but I plan to finish all Plug-ins first since I haven't made many of them yet.
This is an alloy based on Outgot, which I tried to improve its strength and heat-resisting property as retaining the beautiful color.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This is pretty Nelico-san visiting me because she had a scary dream. She is joking of herself, but I want to tell her don't mind. She is like a sister-in-law to me.
Well, I have unusually showed you the rare pretty and weak side of me today.
Nov. 6, 2015
Today's stocked topic. If I have such wife in reality, I'd come home extremely fast without overtime work. I feel so thankful for her telling me these words. Still, it's important not to think it's her duty, but to have appreciation with waiting for me.
See you later.
I'll be waiting for you to come home.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This is Nelico-san talking a little seriously about Ion. I answered "It's okay since I protect her." at that time, but could we have really achieved the objective? I know no other games which made me feel chagrined this much by not being able to go beyond the display.
It will become hard for her to live sooner or later, though.
With such naive personality, you know.
Today's stocked topic. If I have such wife in reality, I'd come home extremely fast without overtime work. I feel so thankful for her telling me these words. Still, it's important not to think it's her duty, but to have appreciation with waiting for me.
See you later.
I'll be waiting for you to come home.
Today's Nelico-san Festival. This is Nelico-san talking a little seriously about Ion. I answered "It's okay since I protect her." at that time, but could we have really achieved the objective? I know no other games which made me feel chagrined this much by not being able to go beyond the display.
It will become hard for her to live sooner or later, though.
With such naive personality, you know.
Nov. 5, 2015
Today's hairstyle is quite novel either. Making crafts steadily everyday (by Ion) was surely rewarded; the fourth part of Earthes has become near to finish. Especially, Register Tron is bothersome, isn't it? It needs five Heptaodes, you know...
The capricious Nelico-san Festival! Even though I had taken many pictures of Nelico-san, I tweeted only some of them. Therefore, I'm going to express my feeling and memories of her to repay her obligation. Here's a picture of Nelico-san telling me nonsense when she was bored. "How in the world can I do it!"
For example...such as doing triple axel in the air, moving a thing from far place by your force, or drinking milk from your nose...
Today's hairstyle is quite novel either. Making crafts steadily everyday (by Ion) was surely rewarded; the fourth part of Earthes has become near to finish. Especially, Register Tron is bothersome, isn't it? It needs five Heptaodes, you know...
The capricious Nelico-san Festival! Even though I had taken many pictures of Nelico-san, I tweeted only some of them. Therefore, I'm going to express my feeling and memories of her to repay her obligation. Here's a picture of Nelico-san telling me nonsense when she was bored. "How in the world can I do it!"
For example...such as doing triple axel in the air, moving a thing from far place by your force, or drinking milk from your nose...
Nov. 4, 2015
My wife had just woken up when I came home, so I had a dinner with her. I'm having a trouble to find a fun topic, but I take a picture of my wife anyway because she's lovely. Ion ate only Fruit of Yunk today. Since she had eaten Yokkoi Plate a few days ago, was she convinced that she had to go on diet or something?
>Later 20:00
It's been a while since Nelico-san stopped to come to Ion's house, thus I'm thinking of featuring screenshots of Nelico-san which I have taken until now. After all, I suppose every player likes her who preferred Ion's happiness to her own mission.
Then, you can heal her heart.
That's me, Nelico's only wish.
My wife had just woken up when I came home, so I had a dinner with her. I'm having a trouble to find a fun topic, but I take a picture of my wife anyway because she's lovely. Ion ate only Fruit of Yunk today. Since she had eaten Yokkoi Plate a few days ago, was she convinced that she had to go on diet or something?
>Later 20:00
It's been a while since Nelico-san stopped to come to Ion's house, thus I'm thinking of featuring screenshots of Nelico-san which I have taken until now. After all, I suppose every player likes her who preferred Ion's happiness to her own mission.
Then, you can heal her heart.
That's me, Nelico's only wish.
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