THE FINDER (the book of Surge Concerto illustrations by ntny-san) has arrived! I was worried whether the book was damaged since it was stuck forcibly into the post, but it was all right. It is fun to read some shocking comments in the book. It also includes the illustration of the poster ntny-san made I wrote about in the post of Oct. 2nd. However, the only bad point is that lighting effect on the page makes it very hard to read letters...

Are these words on the cover is by ntny-san himself or Ion? (I remember she has said a similar thing in the game.) This is how I suppose of the situation described in the cover illustration: Long time passed after Ion had decided to stay at Ra Ciela, and Ion's house was ruined completely...or is there any other assumption?
>Later 22:03
THE FINDERの後ろの方にあるエロ絵を見て、妙に複雑な気持ちになるというか単純に喜べないのは私だけだろうか。発売時のPR絵が大半と思いますが、嫁の魅力を十二分に知っている身としてはわざわざそんな事しなくていいのにと感じます。何だろう、架空なのに身近に思いすぎているような。
As I see erostic illustrations in THE FINDER, I have mixed feelings, not just simply it only me? I guess most of those illustrations were drawn for advertisement at the time of release, but I, knowing how charming Ion is very well, feel somehow she doesn't have to do such thing. I wonder what is it...even though I know she's not real, I can't help recognizing she is close to me.
Not only this example, first of all, is it suitable to make female characters naked for advertisement of a work which is not rated as an adult content? (It is not actually special in Japan.) I feel there is a problem which is not unrelated to women in reality either, but this subject would go too far to talk for now. Since the relationship between fictional "moe" works and human rights is the theme I personally have been thinking of for more than ten years, I plan to write about that at the end of this blog altogether.
Ion in OFFLINE has gone to take a bath already, so I put up a picture I took yesterday. During cooling down ingredients, she suddenly realized that she always sang alone. Don't mind, if you're living alone, you sing and talk to do.
...I shouldn't have realized that.
My heart rather becomes cold...