I was all forgetting today was White Day (the day for men to give women presents in return for gifts they received on Valentine's Day). It was too bad that we couldn't send a present to each other, but the unit gave a great answer! We went to the mall after this, and She's White was added. Isn't it too strained interpretation?
Since I couldn't give you anything, you can't do anything either.
You always give me happiness.
Umm..."White Day limited edition swimsuit.
For you wishing to see more lovely appearance of your loved one."
I made it as soon as I came home. I remember she used to wear it often in Online version. It doesn't have to be a swimsuit; I think something like Misya's costume in Ar tonelico 1 would be nice, too. It was too bad that Ion's comment when she completed this costume contradicted with the new event.