嫁が出かけている間に楽曲を振り返る突発企画。「Ahih rei-yah」今日は劇中のムービーで。イオンを助けてくれたター坊ら万寿沙羅の街の人をウェーブバーストから守るため、彼女は最初の奇跡を起こす。(なお、ラシェーラには蓮は存在しません。)
While my wife is out, I present you the sudden plan to look over music. "Ahih rei-yah", shown below in the movie included in the story. Ion performs her first miracle to protect people such as Turbo who helped her in Manjusara from wave burst. (For reference, lotus does not exist in Ra Ciela.)
>Later 13:07
I feel Genometrics in Ar nosurge is not fair because heroes in Ar tonelico had risk that they could die, but we players don't have such risk. I think we could have a penalty, for example, when we fail to choose a correct answer in Genometrics, we would lose actual hit points or something. Or we could have such penalty in hard mode.
>Later 15:00
My wife in Liber Dress today. I think Ion's opinion is reasonable, but I can't dare to show her my room in current condition...I understand Ion feels that she always has to keep the room clean.
Maybe it's not fair that only you can see my room.